snook - definitie. Wat is snook
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Wat (wie) is snook - definitie

Snoek (disambiguation); Snook (disambiguation); Snoek; Snooks

snook1 [snu:k]
¦ noun (in phr. cock a snook) informal, chiefly Brit. place one's hand so that the thumb touches one's nose and the fingers are spread out, in order to express contempt.
?openly show contempt or a lack of respect for someone or something.
C18: of unknown origin.
snook2 [snu:k]
¦ noun a large edible game fish of the Caribbean. [Centropomus undecimalis.]
C17: from Du. snoek (see snoek).
If you cock a snook at someone in authority or at an organization, you do something that they cannot punish you for, but which insults them or expresses your contempt. (mainly BRIT JOURNALISM)
Tories cocked a snook at their prime minister over this legislation.
PHRASE: V inflects
·noun The Cobia.
II. Snook ·noun The Garfish.
III. Snook ·vi To Lurk; to lie in ambush.
IV. Snook ·noun A large perchlike marine food fish (Centropomus undecimalis) found both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of tropical America;
- called also ravallia, and robalo.



Snook, Snooks, or Snoek may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor snook
1. I would love to play Olive Snook.
Some Lessons Learned _ Kristin Chenoweth _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor snook
1. Sheila Gray–Snook, 73 – Mrs Gray–Snook was admitted to the Horton at 8am on January 2, 2004, with an irregular heartbeat.
2. The assistant, Sheldon Snook, declined to say what was discussed.
3. Mr Snook said: "The law of entry as it currently stands is failing citizens.
4. So who on earth can we collectively cock a snook at?
5. "I don‘t think there‘s much political will at all" to tackle the issue, Snook said.